Newsletter n°15 – 2016
December 2015 will remain a highlight at JFA Yachts! On December 2nd, I had the pleasure of signing the second Long Island 85’, and on December 25th, a sailing yacht of 70’ type Fast Cruiser with Finot – Conq Architectes! The end of this joyful year was leading us towards an arduous but exciting year of 2016. Yet what could be more thrilling for a shipyard than starting new projects and challenges related to custom constructions…?
In this newsletter you will thus discover the new catamaran Long Island 85’, the FC² 70’ sailing yacht and our usual page dedicated to the projects for which our builder’s soul vibrates.
Just like each and every one of us, our care for the environment leads us to pay special attention to propulsion modes. Our work with architects such as Horacio Bozzo Design, Dixon Yacht Design and Gregory C. Marshall testifies. These concepts of diesel electric yachts for innovative exploration have a low impact on nature and on the marine environment.
We invite you on our autumn and spring boatshows to share the highlights of the last twelve months and discuss about your projects.
I also invite you to visit us in Concarneau where we would be happy to welcome you and present our expertise and especially women and men who have made of their passion, their profession.
Frédéric Jaouen
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