Hortense Numéro xx Der in westfranzösischen Hafenstadt Concarneau bei JFA nach einem Riss von Joubert-Nivelt und Innenausbaukonzept von Dick Young gebaute 27,5m Motorsegler räumt gründlich... Lire la suite →
Hortense, a life of exploration Not intended for a typical Carribbean / Mediterranean bimini covered cokpit experience, JFA , Joubert Nivelt Goeffers and Rhoades Young... Lire la suite →
Motorsailer Magic, Hortense Designed specifically for extended periods at sea is the 27,5metres motorsailer Hortense from JFA. After two and half year in build, she... Lire la suite →
Hortense, the best of two worlds Joubert Nivelt Goeffers and JFA shipyard have picked up on a new trend. With an interior by Rhoades Young,... Lire la suite →
Lancement à Concarneau de ce motorsailer Numéro 171 Le lancement à Concarneau de ce motor sailer de 27,5m, déssiné par Joubert-Nivelt, aménagé par Dick Young... Lire la suite →
Hortense Numéro xx Although the motorsailer concept is more than half a century old, there has never been unanimity on the formula. JFA's 27,5m yacht... Lire la suite →